Thursday, October 13, 2011

An Example of Beat-Science

Using a Beat writing style, this Anthropologist was able to shed new light on his field of study.

"Ominous and otherworldly, his subject matter is inherently provocative."

I thought this article was interesting because i assumed Beat attitudes were strictly a literary and musical movement. It is interesting that the ideals, writing style, and attitudes of the Beat movement have infiltrated even anthropology. But I guess it makes sense given the stance that the Beats take against anything conventional. The Beats challenge anything normative and that makes them an undefinable movement. Art, science, literature, none of these aspects of society can escape because the Beatnik mentality is so far reaching. It's "inherently provocative" nature makes it hard to pin down. I even find it hard to write about because i continually forget what exactly i mean by "Beatnik."

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