Thursday, October 13, 2011

This Saturday with KSW @ Lit. Crawl

In the spirit of what we'll be reading later in the quarter--I Hotel--here's an upcoming literary event (this Sat., 15 Oct.) with KSW (Kearny Street Workshop), one of the oldest organisations in support of Asian Pacific American writers, artists, activists and communities. KSW @ Lit Crawl: Apocalypse, Now What?

Saturday, October 15, 6-7pm
@ Forest Books
3080 16th St.
San Francisco, CA 94103

It’s predicted that the world will end in 2012 — one week after Lit Crawl. Yet life goes on. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other signs of the Apocalypse are already happening all over the world. Amazingly, life goes on. These emerging writers are dealing with disaster — natural, epic, and everyday.


Maria T. Allocco is a second-generation Korean-Italian writer, educator, and artist who lives, loves, and breathes ocean air on the U.S. edge of the Pacific.

Chiwan Choi is a writer, editor, and publisher. His first poetry collection The Flood (Tía Chucha Press) was published in 2010. More info on

Bill Gong worked as a customer service representative, janitor, and a butcher before working in software development for 15 years. He is now unemployed.

Will Gutierrez is a Filipino writer living in Berkeley. He writes about angst, awkwardness and everyday spirituality. He thinks the Apocalypse will whimper, not bang.

Lisa Hsia is a transdisciplinary artist who combines text and image to create new expressions. Find her at her home on the internet at

Nayomi Munaweera is a Sri Lankan-American writer. She has written two novels about the Sri Lankan civil war. Please visit for more info.

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